Being single is awesome… here’s proof

I’ll admit, I fall down in the single department. I neither particularly enjoy it nor do I crave it. And before you ask me, yes, I’ve been to movies, concerts, dinners,  and even taken trips as a single person. So there. I can do it, I just don’t...

Inspiration of the Week – Dwell Magazine

Patience truLove is an architect and a lover of all things art and design related. She grew up in the art world, as her father has an extensive collection that spans a historical spectrum of several hundred years. From her middle school years, he’s been more...

Words to live by…

First drafts are always horrible and ugly. Don’t worry about that – it’s the same for everyone. Just remember that the first draft is as bad as the book is ever going to be, and if you keep redrafting, one day you will look at your horrible book and...

Writer’s advice…

In the middle of mega-time with my kids and barely a moment to myself, I hardly feel like the person who should be dispensing advice, much less the writer dispensing advice. But I’ll tell you what I’ve been thinking about lately. THIS IS HARD. Not in the...